« The Great Wind – The Perfect Storm »
– The 9th Trumpet –
Prepare yourself!
Update (Feb 16, 2024)
Second Coming Jesus Before April 20, 2025
– Rapture Zone –
(Twice a Rapture! – April 16 and 19, 2025)
Easter April 20, 2025
2022/2023/2024? – Wrong!
Rapture Expected in April 2025
(Times not yet Adjusted)
End Time
The false Prophet is expected in the month Sept 2025!
Brothers and sisters, the vision Aug 2018 marks the beginning of the last Week of Daniel.
Those are the last 7 years before the 1000-years kingdom of peace will begin.
The first 3,5 years started from Aug 23, 2018 and ends with the death of the false Prophet on Feb ±2, 2025. All visions lead up to Feb 5, 2025!
The false Prophet become older than 62 years old! (Born Feb 5, 1962)
The time of Armageddon has come so close now, that the difference has reduced to 24 hours!
The false Prophet upon his arrival in Sep/Oct 2021
The Coming of the False Prophet
– Time is up! –
(Vision) End False Prophet Feb 2, 2025
From Sep 2024 until his death on Feb 2, 2025.
The Holy Spirit will be taken from the earth 3 days before the Antichrist will rise! (From Feb ±2 to Feb 5, 2025)
The Antichrist will rise from Feb 5, 2025!
False Prophet Time running out!
Shift in time ceases, from Feb 4, 2025. The false Prophet is then still 62 years old!
Stand-by for the Sting virus
– Three days Sting virus –
Sept 2021
Brothers and sisters, the Sting virus must break out before the Great Revival! That could begin in Sept 2024!
We are on the brink of an unimaginable and terrible event!
See worldwide TV news! »
Latest update
Friday Feb 16, 2024
For the time being, there are no signals yet, or warnings.
There is no Alarm.
It is still safe.
There are no reports yet about the 2nd pandemic: The Sting virus.
Brothers and sisters,
From September 2, 2024, the Sting virus can now break out any moment!
This is the Horror of Death and Destruction.
Watch the News Channels!
(Update) Sep 27, 2021
See in order:
The Sting virus – The Great Revival – The False Prophet – The Antichrist
The Sting virus, not three weeks but most likely only 3 days!
One thing is absolutely certain:
The Sting virus must take place before the Great Revival!
The Great Revival should begin before the false Prophet makes himself known.
The false Prophet is expected at the latest(!) in the month Sep 2021.
Jesus: “There will be a Great Revival of short duration.”
Prophecy: Allison Pound. (January 2017) See details: Two Times a Rapture
Brothers and sisters, see the Prophecy that Jesus passed on to
Sara Ayin!
Jesus: “No one expects the war that is coming!” – (This war is the Sting virus)
You can generally see when a war is coming early, but you can’t see this.
The Sting virus
Jesus: “The coming war will be devastating!” So it is imperative that you come to Me now, because you may run out of time when [The Sting virus] breaks out and you are overcome with fear.” – The Lord is clearly talking about the Sting virus here!
A large wind will blow twice: The Corona and the Sting virus. This cannot be seen.
Twice a big Wind
The following deals with this coming war, but is completely different from what we humans normally mean by a war. This is about the Corona and the Sting virus!
The Coronavirus has three or four variants, one even more dangerous than the other.
But… the Sting virus is the worst killer never seen before!
The Coronavirus was the first to spread all over the world starting from one country (China) within three months. But the Sting virus floats in the air and is moved by the wind and within 24 hours, including from China, will travel all over the world and go where the Coronavirus could not reach.
God the Almighty Judge wages war against man
In His anger and in His wrath, Yahweh(God) overthrew the cities of Zeboim, Adama, Sodom, and Gomorrah because of the wickedness of their inhabitants. Just like then, God the Father will have to take His measures again and will wage war against humans, first with the Coronavirus and then with the Sting virus. But now God the Father is tackling the whole world!
Prepare yourself!
(Update) August 22, 2021 – The 9th Trumpet
Armageddon not from Jan 14, 2022, but from Feb 5 2022!
Brothers and sisters, the false Prophet was born on Feb 5, 1962 and will not become older than 59 years 11 months and ±27 days. The false Prophet will be killed on ±2 Feb 2022 and after 3 days Satan (Lucifer) will take over the body with a ‘Walk-in’ and on Feb 5, 2022 the Antichrist will rise!
Armageddon not on Jan 14, 2022 but on Feb 5, 2022. That is 22 days later!
Counting time backwards
Jesus, has inspired me that everything(!) must be counted back from the 1st Rapture! I should have calculated the 76 days backward from April 13, 2022. Thus from right to left.
The vision of March 23, 2013 I also had to calculate from right to left. After that calculation, I came out on Aug 23, 2018. It was exactly five years and five months apart.
Brothers and sisters, after three days of prayer, the Lord showed me that from Aug 14, 2021 I have been 22(!) days early with my calculation. Those are the 17 days of August and the 5 days of Sep 2021 that make it 22 days. I should have counted backward the correct time from April 13, 2022!
It was good anyway
At first I did not know anymore, but Jesus has inspired me that all visions are now correctly calculated! Revelation false Prophet is now expected from Sep ±5, 2021 and will remain on for five months until Feb ±2, 2022. Then, from Feb 5, 2022, the Antichrist takes over.
Twice 3 Days Death and Destruction
These first 3 days of death and destruction (Sting virus) could be the precursor of a second 3 days of death and destruction. The 3 Days of Darkness!
The Sting virus 3 days: ±200 to 350 Million Deaths. (Somewhere in Sep 2021)
The 3 Days of Darkness: ±2,3 Billion Deaths! (From April 13 to 16, 2022)
See: The Three Days of Darkness (1) and The Night of 72 hours (2)
See the Prophecy that Jesus passed on to
Sara Ayin!
Jesus: “Nobody expects the war to come!” – (This is the Sting virus)
You can generally see a war coming early, but you can not see this one. Once the false Prophet has revealed himself, there will be no more reasons to wage war in all the world. That will stop from one day to the next.
(The 9th Trumpet) A spiritual war is coming, namely that of the Sting virus! That means that the Holy Spirit has not yet revealed Himself. That could happen after the false Prophet has already risen. It will be a very beautiful time for everyone like the world has never experienced before.
Jesus said, there will be a war when no one really expects it and this war is the Sting virus!
The Sting virus
Jesus: “The coming War will be devastating!”
The Lord is not talking about Armageddon here, because you can see that coming at you well in advance. But the Sting virus is there all at once and nobody expects it. Probably all over the world and within 24 hours! The Sting virus will get in places where the Coronavirus could not.
The two judgments of God before Armageddon
The Coronavirus(1) and also the Sting virus(2) are both a judgment of God and they will stay away and no longer exist in the time of Armageddon. That means the Sting virus has to happen by all means before the Great Revival!
Sting virus not in Armageddon
On the moment the Great Revival starts, the Holy Spirit or Jesus will stand on the Corona and the Sting virus in the form of a Lion. That means these two viruses will be under control almost immediately. They are then no longer active and will completely cease to exist after five months.
(The false Prophet has only five months: From Sep ±5, 2021 to Feb ±2, 2022)
God the Father will not deal with Armageddon and will remove these two judgments the moment, after the death of the false Prophet, the Holy Spirit is taken away from earth.
No prophet
It is impossible to say however when the Sting virus will break out. The Sting virus will not be invisible, but could have a color. It’s a conjecture.
End of Time almost over – The Last 5 Months
Brothers and sisters, the false Prophet may reveal himself at any moment.
“Those who are awake and praying when I come will know when I will come!”
Pastor Sori Park (South Korea) – This means that there are indeed Christians who know how to recognize the time of the year and even the month!
Profeet Sadhu Sunder Selvaraj
Shocking revelation about the Antichrist headquarters
There will be three places where he will rule the world!
The false Prophet will be rise up in Berlin.
1) Political Headquarters (Berlin)
2) A Religion Headquarters.
3) And an Economic Headquarters.
We are on the brink of events that will shock up the Christians.
Easter is on April 17, 2022
The 1st and the 2nd Rapture April 13 and 16, 2022!
Brothers and sisters, we are not that far away anymore from the 1st Rapture. The moment of the Rapture has come so close now that no shifting is possible in the remaining time.
The last week of Daniel
From August 23, 2018, no shift in time is possible anymore. From that moment on, the times are fixed. The false Prophet is killed on Feb ±2, 2022 and the End Time ends on Feb 5, 2022!
The last Week of the Year was calculated at the time of Daniel. But in the End Time, so just before the Rapture, a shift in time is indeed possible. Although the margin is only ±10 days. The false peace 3,5 years. (1,249 was 1,260 days)
Beginning of Armageddon is expected on Feb 5, 2022.!
It will take another 90 days from there before the Rapture will take place.
But… before that, we first have to deal with the Sting virus.
This Horror has yet to take place before the Great Revival!
Countdown Time almost over
Brothers and sisters, if after this date (Sep 1) there are still no signs of the deadly Sting virus, know that the revelation of the false Prophet, anyway, must take place from Sep/Oct 2021! Because exactly five months later on February 5, 2022 the Antichrist rises!
The Great Revival is expected form Sep/Oct 2021 until February ±2, 2022.
Reign 4,5 months.
Five months for each horse
Brothers and sisters, the date Sep/Oct 2021) for the false Prophet is fixed. This date can no longer be changed, because 5 months later on feb 5, 2022 the Antichrist rises! That is exactly three months before the 1st and 2nd Rapture will take place on April 13 and 16, 2022.
On Sunday April 17, 2022 it shall be Easter!
(Image: The 4 horses should be seen from right to left)
The Sting virus a 100% deadly danger
This virus is moved by the wind!
With all that I have already read and seen on YouTube and heard from the two Prophets Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj and John Paul Jackson, I assume that the Sting virus will spread from China over the world sometime in September 2021.
The two Prophets have also described the consequences that the Sting virus will bring to the people. Once this deadly virus breaks out, the world will be in complete chaos and completely disrupted.
Jesus: “As soon as the people think they have found a vaccine that could stop the Coronavirus, the Sting virus will break out!”
Oh… brothers en sisters, with 6 or 7 and by now already 10(!) different Corona vaccines, that moment has now come very close. Prepare yourself!
See how close we got to the Horror with the 2nd pandemic.
Corona vaccines on the way
There are already 159(!) vaccine candidates in development.
A total of 10 vaccines have already been approved for use, whether or not in emergency situations.
_ Spoetnik V
_ Tozinameran (Comirnaty)
United States /
Tozinameran from Pfizer/BioNTech (Comirnaty)
_ Moderna-COVID-19-vaccin
United States)
_ AZD1222 (Vaxzevria)
United Kingdom)
AZD1222 from AstraZeneca (Vaxzevria)
_ EpiVacCorona
_ CoronaVac
_ Ad5-nCoV
_ BBV152
10)_Ad26.COV2.S van Janssen / Johnson & Johnson
The Sting virus shall NOT break out at the time of Armageddon. The 1st pandemic (Coronavirus) is immediately followed by an almost 100% deadly 2nd pandemic: The Sting virus!
The 1st pandemic has already caused a lot of panic with the Coronavirus and is the harbinger of what the 2nd pandemic will bring to the people in September 2021.
The 1st and also the 2nd wind will blow from China!
We have to assume that the Sting virus could start somewhere in September. Because this terrible virus is blown by the wind, it will most likely be all over the world within 24(!) hours.
The End of the 1st and 2nd Great wind (pandemic) will be on the moment the Great Revival will start!
The false Prophet will not reveal himself in Sep/Oct 2021.
Thereupon it will take exactly 4,5 months before Armageddon will begin!
See video! (Aug 6, 2020)
Great wind (Sting virus) – YouTube (3:35 /14:49)
Too Late
Most deaths will occur in the first 2 to 3 days, because people do not yet know what kind of a deadly virus they are dealing with. The world shall think that the Corona vaccine caused this new virus, but will soon realize that this is a completely different virus: The Sting virus!
The second pandemic is one of Fire!
“This [Corona] virus is nothing compared to what I’m going to send into the world.”
The Lord is talking about the Sting virus here! Between 200 and 350 million deaths are expected.
The number of deaths is a presumption. That does not mean that it would all happen in exactly the same way. But still, it will be terrible!
On Sep ±5, 2021 a Lion will stand with his paws on these 2 pandemics!
The Lion of Juda
That must be the Lord Jesus, because then the Great Revival begins!
The Great Revival from Sep/Oct 2021 to February ±2, 2022. (4,5 months)
In Sep/Oct 2021 the false Prophet rises! When 4,5 months later, on Feb ±2, 2022, the false Prophet is killed, the Holy Spirit shall immediately be taken away from the earth!
See: The Holy Spirit is no more
Visions Determine the End Times – Armageddon (Feb 5, 2022)
It first started with the vision of Aug 23, 2018. The beginning of the last Week of Daniel.
Then with Fiche 59. That is the age of the false Prophet.
(Birth False Prophet: Feb 5, 1962(!) End Feb ±2, 2022.)
With these visions alone, I have been able to calculate the correct time to the day accurate!
(Rev 13:3) “I saw one of his heads as if it had been slain, and his fatal wound was healed. And the whole earth was amazed and followed after the beast…” – Is the Antichrist.
The False Prophet – The Super human – The Rider on the White Horse
Birth Antichrist confirmed by the Lord
The birth of this “Super human” was made through the book “A Gift of Prophecy” made known to the world: “…a child born somewhere in the Middle East as a Jew on February 5th, 1962 will bring about a turnaround in the world.”
Just in the second half of 1965 this book saw 11 reprints in America, while besides that, “Reader’s Digest” in an edition of 25 million copies and in 14 languages, an excerpt was reproduced. In many prophecies, the Lord has confirmed that this child, born on February 5th, 1962, is indeed the Antichrist to be expected.
Source: (Vision magazine: “The time is near” 1967)
Revelation false Prophet
The Messias – An unprecedented World Leader Wereld
(Image: For now no one knows who this false Prophet is)
(Rev 13:2) “And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.”
The moment the false Prophet will make himself known, many people and name Christians will get confused, because this man is really unimaginable! The Lord said about this false Prophet: “There has never been such a person.”
Jesus: “The Beast will rise under acclamations of the world, for he will bring peace and prosperity in such a way that no one has ever experienced before.”
The Lord has already considerably shortened the time (3,5 years) of the false Prophet, because there are now only five months left! This has to do with the fact that almost the entire world will stand behind this World Leader.
(Rev 13:3) “…And the whole earth was amazed and followed after the beast…”
Jesus: “If I do not come back in time, the World, and even My people, will think that I am that person.”
Jesus says of this false Prophet: “And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men, [14] And deceived them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles…” – (Rev 13:13-14a)
This Beast is the false Prophet, but when he is killed on Feb ±2, 2022 and suddenly rises again after three days, many Christians will think that it is Jesus and they will follow the Beast with astonishment.
The false Prophet becomes the Antichrist
(Rev 13:12) “And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.”
(Rev 13:5) “And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months.”

– Two Characters in one Body –
The false Prophet and the Antichrist in one body
(Vision) This same image Jesus gave me with the no.59
The false Prophet/Antichrist concerns one and the same person!
The false Prophet becomes 59 years old and after 3 days rises from the dead and from that moment on is the Antichrist!
(Antichrist: Feb 5, 2022 until Sep 5, 2025)
Jesus: “I will take up a little more than one billion people.”
Jesus, passed me this number on Sunday, June 11, 2017 at 11:00 PM.
See the last possible calculation:
(Vision) A Chinese restaurant and the 2 crooked coins. This means that after the 1st pandemic (Coronavirus), the 2nd pandemic will also spread from China over the world. There are 7 people totally in the restaurant. The 3 tables or the 3 whole coins could represent the 3 weeks that the 2nd pandemic starts. (The Sting virus)
Bud, that will be 3 days!
The false Prophet will reveal himself in Sep/Oct 2021.
The Great Revival in Sep/Oct 2021.
False Prophet time is running out.
Sting virus
Possible from the beginning Sep/Oct 2021.
No one will dare to go outside anymore!
Advice, start stocking up food and drinks!
Prepare yourself.
Make sure, you have the most necessary at home.
The 2nd Great wind, the Sting virus, will take place end of Sep 2021.
The Great Revival somewhere in Sep 2021.
(September 2021) Once the Sting virus begins, each of us will face a thousand and one fears!
With this deadly Sting virus you no longer leave the house so easily.
The Deadly Sting Virus is Coming
– A strange unknown virus –
Two more Trumpets!
Jesus: “This is the end of the era, this is it. You live in the most serious time ever in the history of this earth.” – Choo Thomas (Feb 9, 2012)
The time we live in now is 1000 times worse than it was in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah! That is why the Lord added two more judgments to the 7 trumpets. The 8th and the 9th trumpet!
(Corona– and the Sting virus)
The End Time
Jesus: “Because of the very serious sins I have added 2 extra judgments.”
This is what the Lord has given me on Saturday March 7, 2020 at 12:48 PM.
Two additional judgments 8 and 9
These are the judgments of God for the very stiff people who just do not want to come to insight and repentance and… there is much more to come! The 7 seals, the 7 trumpets and the 7 bowls.
However, because of the seriousness of the sins, the Lord added two additional judgments 8 and 9 to the 7 trumpets.
The 8th Trumpet is the Coronavirus and the 9th Trumpet is the Sting virus and they are linked to the seven Trumpets but… only the Sting virus belongs to the 4th woe!
It is almost certain that these two judgments concern the Corona– and the Sting virus.
All of this has yet to happen before the Great Revival begins in September 2021.
From person to person
This 1st extra judgment (8th Trumpet) is… and has already started on Dec 1, 2019 and concerns the Coronavirus, which will suddenly end on Sep ±5, 2021. The Coronavirus will then completely cease to exist from one moment to the next. It is a one-time judgment that has hit the world like a pandemic. However, that is nothing compared to what the 2nd Extra Judgment will bring to the people, for that will be truly terrible!
Moved by the wind
This 2nd Extra Judgment (9th Trumpet) could start from Sep 2021 and concerns the Sting virus, which with the Great Revival will suddenly end in Sep 2021.
The Sting virus will be unleashed on the people from all corners of the earth! Even faster than the Coronavirus, which had to come from person to person, the Sting virus will attack people out of nowhere like never before happened on earth.
Prepare yourself!
The white horse of false peace and the three horses of Armageddon
(The red horse, black horse and the pale horse)
See when the judgments will come upon the people!
The 8th and the 9th trumpet – These are the first(!) 2 judgments that will take place even before the Great Revival.*
1)_The 8th trumpet – Coronavirus (Dec 1, 2019 to Sep 2021)
2)_The 9th trumpet – Sting virus (Three days somewhere in Sep 2021)
It is really impossible to say exactly when the Sting virus will start, but it is certain that it will take place before the Great Revival!
*) All 7 seals, the 7 trumpets (plus 2) and the 7 bowls must be seen alternately and partially in reverse(!) order. It is all mixed up. There is no order!
The Sting virus – The 9th trumpet
Brothers and sisters, fortunately there is still nothing to notice or see yet that refers to the Sting virus. But that it will come, that is certain!
Most deaths will occur in the first 2 to 3 days, because people do not yet know what kind of deadly virus they are dealing with. The world will think that the Corona vaccine caused this new virus, but will soon realize that this is a completely different virus.
This deadly virus is blown by the wind. The towns, villages and countryside will be deserted and everyone will stay at home because of the Sting virus.
PREPARE For The Next Pandemic!
Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj – YouTube (4:47)
The Lord: “There will be a virus for which no cure can be found.”
It is almost certain that the Lord meant the Coronavirus, because of the 10 or 11(?) vaccines there is not one that is 100% reliable. Either way, the Coronavirus is highly contagious, but the Sting virus is a serious problem that cannot be eradicated. It is not transferable and it is also not contagious.
Ooh… brothers and sisters, listen to this video!
On Feb 20, 2020, it happened that Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj was called into heaven by Jesus with the announcement that God the Father had a message for the people of the earth.
God the Father to Selvaraj: “Another great wind will blow all over the world!”
Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj: And when the Lord had said the word “Wind”, it was important for me to know the following: “Another Great wind, worse than the Coronavirus pandemic, will blow across the world.”
The world has become scared and already afraid because of the Coronavirus.
But the word of the LORD God the Father came to me and said: “Another worse than Coronavirus is coming!”
Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj: “The Coronavirus is nothing compared to what is yet to come.” – The Sting virus!
First a Small Wind will blow and then a Large Wind. After the Coronavirus comes another Wind that is many times worse. When that comes, no one dares to go outside anymore.
(Habakkuk 3:5) “Before Him goes the plague, and feverish glow follows closely after Him.”
(This verse concerns the Sting virus)
Example: The people are overcome by fear.
This deadly virus will be moved by the wind for weeks.
The towns, villages and countryside will be deserted and everyone will be at home because of the Sting virus!
Gabriel on April 13, 2022 – The moment of the 1st Rapture
Shift in time no longer possible
Date Rapture is fixed
The time difference is about 48 hours! Shifting in time is no longer possible. All dates are now fixed!
Brothers and sisters, I am not a prophet, but my visions show me the dates. The visions must be calculated. It is all approximate. What I do see clearly is that the difference can now only be 1 or 2 days.
See details: Shift in time no longer possible
Date Rapture made visible!
The days of the 1st and 2nd Rapture are fixed. The Lord will return with the 1st Rapture on April 13, 2022! The 2nd Rapture will be on April 16, 2022. This a few hours or minutes before Easter starts on Sunday, April 17, 2022.
Text: New American Standard Bible (NASB) and the King James Bible
and completed by prophecies according to (John 16:13)
Update Sting virus
(DZG// Wednesday May 5, 2021/ 23:53) – (Update: Sep 27, 2021)
Source: Photos, Images, Pictures and Drawings
(Image) Update Sting virus
Source: _https://www.weeronline.nl/nieuws/zo-beinvloedt-het-weer-de-verspreiding-van-het-coronavirus
The false Prophet on the white horse
Source: _http://www.jw.org/af/publikasies/tydskrifte/w20140115/laat-u-koninkryk-kom/
(Update) The 9th Trumpet
(Photo) Source: _http://www.ufointernationalproject.com/ufo-photos-and-videos/trumpet-sounds-have-returned-are-governments-hiding-something/
In the 3 days of Darkness – Two Times a Rapture
(The Rapture and the Thief in the Night – Complete Movie)
(Photo) Source: Two Times a Rapture – YouTube (1:16) – (Total 52:55)
Source: _https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4GyT_e01I4s
Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj and the Roman soldier
(Image) How to Prepare for this Pandemic | Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj | English
Source: _https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OwbrChmUm8g
The Antichrist
Source: _http://home.kpnplanet.nl/~henoch06@kpnplanet.nl/antichrist.htm
The 4 horsemen in the night on the clouds – What awaits us
(1) Source: _http://home.kpnplanet.nl/~henoch06@kpnplanet.nl/eindtijd.htm
(2) Source: _http://www.google.sr/search?q=www.jrbell.com&hl=nl&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjg2emr8-HTAhWIRyYKHe0tAykQ_AUIBygC&biw=1366&bih=622&dpr=1#imgrc=DWDpSyIrJ3zgfM:&spf=1
(Photo) The Coming Perfect Storm – (John Paul Jackson 2008)
Source: _https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzPJjOzZorg
No medicine or vaccine
Source: _https://www.diariodecanoas.com.br/noticias/rio_grande_do_sul/2020/02/03/com-quatro-casos-suspeitos–saude-define-plano-de-contingencia-e-estrategias-ao-coronavirus.html
Man in protective suit
(Photo) Covid-19 Pandemic: The Race For a Vaccine – Covid-19 Vaccine-2
Source: _https://www.euronews.com/2020/04/07/covid-19-pandemic-the-race-for-a-vaccine-and-cure-for-the-deadliest-viral-outbreak-in-a-ce
(Photo) Dark clouds for 2021 – Great wind (Sting virus)
Source: _https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOZqM1q3IaA
Prophecy For The Next Pandemic | Be Prepared | Prophet Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj
Premiered on Aug 6, 2020 – YouTube (3:35/ 2:49 PM)
Time Will Delay No Longer – YouTube (3:08:00)
Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj – Image – Youtube (7:16)
The Holy Spirit is no more
(Image) The moment the Holy Spirit is taken away
Source: _https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-ni4kWIKO48Q/TWjA9JuhOzI/AAAAAAAAAHg/gu_Qb1_AGFg/s1600/Heilige-Geest.JPG
Source: _http://ezekiel38rapture.blogspot.com/2012/07/geprolongeerd-ontvang-de-heilige-geest.html
Revelation Antichrist – (Feb 5, 2022 to Sep ±14, 2025)
Source: _https://www.topbestalternatives.com/empire-earth-iii/android/
The false Prophet on the white horse
Source: _http://www.jw.org/af/publikasies/tydskrifte/w20140115/laat-u-koninkryk-kom/
For now no one knows who the false Prophet is – YouTube (0:44/ 7:21)
Islamic Mahdi the Biblical Antichrist, rider on the white horse, New World Order (29 sep 29, 2015)
Source: _https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9rpCfw5xGho
Source: (Purvigiggle) _https://www.youtube.com/user/Purvigiggle/videos
(666) The False Prophet with a Bow
Source: _http://trackingbibleprophecy.com/antichrist.php
2017 Crop Circle: Cerne Giant, Dorset – Reported May 22nd, 2017
Source: _https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HF0srEz31AE
(Two Characters in one Body)
The false Prophet and the Antichrist in one body
Source: _http://www.cropcirclecenter.com/ccdata/2017/05/22/UK20170522_A.html
Crop Circle Center England (May 22, 2017)
Source: _http://www.cropcirclecenter.com/ccdata/2017/05/22/UK20170522_A.html
Twice a crooked 50 Cent coin – Side by side
Source: _https://www.magicshop.nl/Webwinkel-Product-32674263/Bended-coin-50-eurocent.html
(Venezuela) Woman with shopping cart
Source: _http://marketupdate.nl/nieuws/economie/valutacrisis/valutaoorlog-venezuela-dwingt-prijscontroles-af/
(Image) The Deadly Sting virus – 2021 – It’s Coming
Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj Prophecy 2021 ★ It’s Coming ★ Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj Sermons
Source: _https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ruNVSAECMnE
(Image) The world surrounded by the Sting virus
Source: _http://www.angelfire.com/ca7/loquebar/Tomkiel.htm
The white horse of peace and the three horses of Armageddon
(Image) Postage stamp 39 USA
Source: _http://kakoluri.com/2011/12/30/as-economic-growth-fails-how-do-we-live-part-i/
Prophecy For The Next Pandemic | Be Prepared | Prophet Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj
Premiered Aug 6, 2020 – YouTube (3:35/ 14:49)
Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj – (16 mei 2020) – YouTube (4:47)
Be Prepare | The Next Pandemic | Prophecy 2020 | Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj
Source: _https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3TQx1S1PXM
Another virus is Coming & It’s Worst Than The Coronavirus – (April 10, 2020)
Source: _https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gkhw_6iwtok
A Worst Than Coronavirus is Coming – (April 8, 2020)
Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj – Image – Youtube (29:14)
Source: _https://www.facebook.com/hfc.gabayngbuhay/videos/the-next-pandemic/304469467196518/
Be Prepare | The Next Pandemic | Prophecy 2020 | Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj
Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj – (May 16, 2020) – YouTube (4:47)
Source: _https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3TQx1S1PXM
The Deadly Sting virus
(Image) (Virus red with black dots)
Source: NADH-2020: Het Niks-Aan-De-Hand-virus
Source: _https://www.grenzeloos.org/content/nadh-2020-het-niks-aan-de-hand-virus
(Image) Sting virus: Green with spikes
Source: _https://pngtree.com/freebackground/new-corona-virus-blue-abstract-background_1174164.html
Empty New York City Street
(Photo) _http://cdn.pcwallart.com/images/empty-new-york-city-street-wallpaper-
Source: _http://pcwallart.com/empty-new-york-city-street-wallpaper-1.html
Gabriel on April 13, 2022 – The moment of the 1st Rapture
Gabriel with trumpet indicates the End Time
Source: _https://www.ontdekgod.nl/geluiden-in-de-lucht/
Time Will Delay No Longer – YouTube (3:08:00) – Image (7:15)
Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj
Another Virus is Coming & It’s Worst Than The Coronavirus – April 10, 2020
(Image) Source: _https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gkhw_6iwtok
In the 3 days of Darkness – Two Times a Rapture
(The Rapture and the Thief in the Night – Complete Movie)
(Photo) Source: Two Times a Rapture – YouTube (1:16) – (Total 52:55)
Source: _https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4GyT_e01I4s