“Two characters in one body”
(2017) Crop Circle: Cerne Giant, Dorset – Reported 22nd May /Youtube (2:15)
Vesica Piscis – Dorset England (22nd May 2017)
The false Prophet and the Antichrist in one body
The mystery 23 September 2017 hidden in a crop circle
A sheet with the number 59
Brothers and sisters, on Friday night 15-09-2017 /22:10, I found Google a crop circle that corresponds to the second vision I received from the Lord.
If I did not get this vision of the sheet 59 on 15 Dec.2015, I could not describe the image that is in the crop circle. In fact, the image appears to be in Jesus, but actually represents the two characters of the false prophet and the antichrist.
See more details of that vision:
“The Coming of the False Prophet” en “59 year (1962-2018-2021)” (Dutch)
They are two circles that overlap with a figure in the middle
These two circles represent two characters in one body. The crop circle shows a picture that first the false prophet and then the Antichrist will live in that body.
On Google “Images” and “Youtube” are many photos and videos of this crop circle. If you enlarge the figure, then you can see a circle in the middle of the figure that has to represent a sun. This sun radiates a total of 23 rays to both directions.
If you look at the picture, you’ll see 12 stripes or rays very clearly on the left and the right of the figure, which can be seen with the 12 stars above the head of the woman on 23 September 2017.
These 12 rays (stars) could represent the 12 commandments of God. On the one hand, the false prophet hangs on the 12 commandments of God because he pursues peace and, on the other hand, the Antichrist is attacking the 12 commandments of God to drive people into pure despair.
In total, these are 23 stripes that could take place on 23 sept.2017. Accident?
See some examples in Google “Images”.
See in the pictures a circle in the middle of the figure that should represent a sun.
See the many other types of images of two circles intertwined.
It all looks very mysterious. These are mysteries that can hardly be seen by humankind. It is almost always free to find important information that could be done to man and the planet. It has only been possible in some cases to translate and explain the mystery of it. The crop circles resemble a mathematical formula.
It also looks so unusually interesting that it’s really impossible for people to take such a big picture, so symmetrically, in such a short time.
– Two characters in one body –
Vesica Piscis – Dorset England (22 Mei 2017)
See L/R 12 rays (stars) according to 23 sept.2017
One Vesica Piscis – Asbury Engeland.(1996)
This same image gave Jesus me with the no.59
Jesus, in a vision, showed me a picture of a two-circle sheet interwoven with the number 59 below. Immediately I saw that this was the false prophet and the antichrist who would live in one and the same body. They are two different characters.
The false Prophet is the one who will live the longest in this body. To be exact total 56 years seven weeks and a few days. That is seen from 5 February 1962 to 23-31 March 2018.
(5 February 1962 is the birthdate of the false Prophet/Antichrist)
The Antichrist takes 3 days after the death of the false Prophet with a walk-in body for 3 years and 3 months. (From 23-31 March 2018 to June 2021)
Truth vision of the five fiches (59) on 21-06-2016 ingezien
The vision of
“March 2018”makes it very easy to consider the months of Nov./dec. 30+29= 59 days of the year 2015. I got the vision on 15th December, 2015, and thought that the false Prophet would reveal on Tuesday, December 29, 2015.
But the truth of the two circles intertwined actually puts two characters in one body! There is a time between three days. The first and longest time is that of the false Prophet and the shortest time of the Antichrist. Both characters then lived in one body. Hence, interweave the two dots into a sheet to be seen as one body.
The body of the false Prophet/Antichrist will not be older than 59 years.
Zie: “59 year (1962-2018-2021)” (Dutch)
The five fiches give the five months of nov./dec. 2017 and Jan./Febr./Mrt. 2018. This means that the last great Revival will take exactly five months before the Rapture will take place.
From the end of October 2017 until the end of March 2018 is exactly five months.
See details of this vision:
“The Coming of the False Prophet” (Dutch)
Because the false prophet was not yet known in Nov. 2015, I wrote in the report of
“The Four End Time Riders” that the false Prophet would certainly reveal in Dec. 2015, and on this basis I received this five-finger vision with the No. 59 on it.
The prophecy of Nathan took place on September 27, 2015. He said; that it would take a few months before the Messiah (the false Prophet) would reveal himself.* By seeing this video, I thought that it was about Nathan’s time here. But its explanation is completely different!
*) Zie: “Rabbi Rami Levy & 15 year Old Natan” (Dutch)
Revelation False Prophet
At the time the false prophet will confess in sept./nov.2017, many people and name Christians will be confused because this man is truly unimaginable! The world has not known this person yet.
Jesus: “The Beast will rise among the world’s cheers, for he will bring peace and prosperity that no one has ever experienced anything like that.”
The Lord wants to keep the false prophet’s time as short as possible. This has to do with the fact that the whole world will be behind this world leader. Jezus: “If I do not return forever, then the World, and even the Mines, will think that I am.”
From the very first day he will attract all the attention of the whole world in a very extreme way. What this false Prophet will all bring will exceed everyone’s imagination. All Jews in Israel and beyond will be out of joy! For in this false prophet they see the long-awaited Messiah. He can now reveal himself at any moment.
(September 23, 2017)
Like Jesus, the false prophet also radiates a kind of aura
This image resembles the Vesica Piscis, a pointed oval figure that originates from the intersection of two circles. If this image would represent Jesus, the rays would be the light (energy field) or an aura that goes out of Jesus.
The whole world is being misled by the heavenly happening of 23 September 2017
Many people think that this image concerns Jesus. That’s because there are rays from the figure to see. The rays going out of the false Prophet have to do with his charisma which is actually an attraction.
Now, if we look at the three visions of “The Sons of God” which clearly entered End time, sept./okt.2017 could be the month and year of a new time. A time that could happen with, for example, the weather that may be very pleasant for the next 1000 years. For example; on the whole world no winter and extreme heat more but an average temperature of ±28 degrees and every day sun and rain in time.
“March 2018” / “The Coming of the False Prophet” / “The last year’s week of Isaiah and Daniel” (Dutch)
Jezus: “The last three days for the rapture you cannot know if it’s day or night.”
Evangelist Choo Thomas (Feb 9, 2012)
The Lord says that time is already on. “This is the end of the age, this is it. You are living in the most serious time ever in the history of this earth.”
(March 2018) The end of the end time
Jesus: “Those who wake up and pray when I come will know when I will come!”
Pastor Sori Park (South Korea)
(Amos 3:7) “Surely the Lord Yahweh does not do anything, or reveals his counsel to his servants the prophets.”
(Google Translate)
All texts are from the Bible of the Nederlands Bijbel Genootschap (NBG Haarlem 1951)
and supplemented by prophecies according to (John 16:13)
2017 Crop Circle: Cerne Giant, Dorset – Reported 22nd May.
Source: _https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HF0srEz31AE
(Two characters in one body) The false Prophet and the Antichrist in one body.
Source: _http://www.cropcirclecenter.com/ccdata/2017/05/22/UK20170522_A.html
Crop Circle Center England (22 Mei 2017). Source:
The two witnesses.
Source: _http://www.goedbericht.nl/NT/Openbaring/11_getuigen.html
Crop cirkles. Source: _https://livingbyintuitionandinspiration.wordpress.com/
The false Prophet on the white horse.
Source: _http://www.jw.org/af/publikasies/tydskrifte/w20140115/laat-u-koninkryk-kom/
Images 2 Circles and Jesus. Source: