(Rev 13:18)
(Microchip – Biochip – Verichip)
The RFID Microchip is not a mark, It is a device!
Nobody can see it unless they have a RFID reader (Scanner)
Biochip a High Tech Smart “Super-I.D.”
If the registration system with the Biochip connected to a Sign or a Logo (666) is once universally in place, no one will be excluded from having to adopt this Laser Mark without being condemned to death. This is truly a “matter of life or death.” Unfortunately, most world citizens lack the prophetic insight needed to survive. The ones who have come to understanding and conversion, already have a huge advantage over the others.
In the time of Armageddon, the indifferent world people simply go to the Burn Mark with a certain death.
If my readers are good at this report, then you are already more than effective in collecting insights that could save your own life, because this event takes place in the Valley of Armageddon!
The Lord refers hereby to “Big Brother”, who wants to control humans Digitally.
Prophet’s and Worship are things related to a religion, not a device. The Biochip is needed for payments. It is also your complete ID (Identification). This is different from a Burn Mark.
Cash will be digital
The end of 2021 but certainly in 2022 no bar there will be more money in circulation. Everyone will have pins. The biochip is necessary to deal with it. It is your complete ID (Identification). This is different than the Laser- Burn Mark Sign/Logo.
(Rev 13:18) “Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.”
The Barcode, 666 and Biochip
The biochip is not a danger, but is a High Tech “Super-I.D.” (Identity)
See the number or Logo! (Y2K = 666). ‘Y’ stands for “Generation” the ‘2’ stands for “unity” (The world or Satan and man). The ‘K’ stands for “Kingdom” but could also be the first letter of his name. Number 2 (1 and 2) could be, no.1 the false Prophet and 2 the Antichrist. But… the letter K may have different meanings. E.g. the name of the false Prophet, would be the most logical order. The letter K could be the first letter of multiple names, which the Antichrist would like to be addressed with in the future. But the letter ‘K’ can also mean “Kingdom” and is, in that case, equal to “Unity”.
(Rev 13:16-17) “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”

Source: (Y2K) _http://pixgood.com/y2k-computer.html
This Mark (Rev 13:18) in Greek “charagma”, means a scratch or etching, stamp, insignia or mark. The number 666 is the Greek expression Chi Xi Sigma, meaning, a mark engraved or punched (notched) for recognition of ownership.
Laser- Burn Mark Sign/Logo (666) burned on the hand
Seeing this Sign/Logo (access code 666), it gives quite a shock. Because this looks very serious indeed. It is even challenging! This symbol is meant for all over North America which consists of Canada, the United States, Central America and the whole Caribbean.
Everything you see and read is viewed approximate. It is not yet an established fact and that also counts for the Biochip! But who understands and has the right insights, will know that this has a grain of truth. Material cannot be taken to heaven, after death, and this symbol (Sign/Logo) must be visible! The Biochip under the skin, which is not visible, can therefore be no mark or symbol.
A zombie man with a new DNA
With the many Zombie movies today, people are already being prepared for what will happen in reality. But many see it as a science fiction that is only possible in movies.
(This is the Burn Mark Sign/Logo (666) burned with a Laser. If it had been a Biochip, then she could impossibly have seen this, because the Biochip is under the skin.)
Original title: “In the Jaws of Hell”
See: “Armageddon” (The first 48 hours. All people will be being possessed!)
Everything you see and read is approximate. It is not yet an established fact and that also applies to the Biochip! But anyone who understands and has the right insights will know that this is at the core of truth. You cannot take material with you after death and you must be able to see the Sign or Logo! The Biochip that cannot be seen under the skin can therefore not be a mark.
The Sign/Logo (Y2K) is already considered by many as the no. 666, which will soon apply to Europe. For the time being, no other sign is known that can be linked to this no.666. The same goes for America’s Sign/Logo. But considering the seriousness of all this, it must be assumed that it is not quite unthinkable that this could be the Sign or Logo (666) with which people will be confronted with. It will be recognized by all people directly!
All people in the world must have a Biochip in the year 2022! The false Prophet will convince everyone in the world. Criminality is increasing rapidly and by making the Biochip compulsory, every attacker and burglar or killer is easily traced. Because in the Biochip there is a GPS tracking system!
This sign Y2K is already regarded by many as the very symbol (666) that will apply soon for Europe. For the time being no other symbol is known that can be coupled to the 666. The same applies to the Logo of America. But given the seriousness with which all this is brought, it must be assumed that it is not inconceivable, that this might be the symbol or Logo (666) which the people will soon be confronted with. It will be immediately recognized by everyone!

The Biochip must then be injected!

The Biochip is not the number 666 as is the case of the Laser- Burn Mark.
The 666 number alone brings great fear amongst the people. But it is almost certain that this number will not be used as such by the Antichrist. Once the Biochip (as advice) is injected into the left hand between the index finger and thumb, the preliminary card (High Tech Smart “I.D. Card”) will be cancelled. It will no longer be necessary to remember the Pin code. Because the Biochip contains your complete Identification as well as your Pin code!
As we now know, the Biochip itself is spiritually seen not dangerous. Because after death you cannot take materials with you. The Biochip can even be replaced! On the contrary the Laser- Burn Mark Sign/Logo can never be changed or replaced!
A tattoo cannot be changed for ever
Once that the character or Logo (666) shall be required personally by the Antichrist, it really becomes dangerous, because the access code (666) is going to be carved with a Laser into the etheric body as a tattoo! All the scars on the body as well as the Sign/Logo (666) on the body, right hand or forehead, carved like a tattoo or burned in the skin with a Laser, can also be seen on the etheric body. And only now(!) this mark can be seen and recognized clearly at the other side of life. Satan sees immediately who is his and who is not.
(Click picture to enlarge) »
All Christians around the world fear the Biochip. They think it’s No.666 and that’s understandable. Internet is really full of it! The one can do it even better than the other. The fear is already clearly visible. The Biochip houses your complete ID (Identification) and is in reality a Passport. That includes everything; your personal number, driver’s license, medical data, etc. etc. Even your PIN code is included. The Biochip is needed to be able to shop, because at the end of 2021 but certainly in 2022 there will no longer be any Bar money in circulation.
From the moment the 666 is burned on the right hand or forehead with a Laser, death is a fact. This Sign/Logo (666) is lethal! It kills immediately the conscience and mind of the human. At that moment the person undergoes an immediate mental change! Considering his behavior and mood the person changes into an emotionless being.
Many will go for the Biochip. The intentions with which the symbol 666 will be used is of a spiritual nature, which will not be so easily noticed by the people. That is because people nowadays hardly are concerned with spiritual matters and thus cannot distinguish anymore between the spiritual and that which concerns only the mind. The person who accepts the Laser- Burn Mark, is spiritually dead! His friendly face changes immediately and a severely distorted face will be his new appearance. At the same time demons and devils come to live in the heart of this person and death is confirmed. People with the Sign/Logo (666) will be controlled by many dark forces and powers that will live inside of him or her, who will dominate their minds.
To understand well this technique, the following should be clear: The Biochip contains no hard drive or memory stick. The Code inside refers to a computer of your country. The Biochip only provides the link, such as your bank card. Material cannot be taken after death. Only scars, tattoos and the Laser Mark Sign/Logo (666).
Again, I would like to point out to all Christians that injecting the Biochip spiritually seen is not lethal. The Biochip for example may become defective and then has to be replaced. It can also be removed. The description of the Sign or Logo can be modified digitally. But the Devil’s Burn Mark or Logo representing the 666 may forever not be changed or deleted and is, even without the Biochip, very lethal! There is no other explanation than this. So do not worry, only the Laser- Burn Mark Sign/Logo (666) is lethal!

See drawing: Exactly 72 hours after death, the silver cord detaches.
See: (Ecclesiastes 12:6-7) “Before the silver cord is loosed, or the golden bowl is broken, or the pitcher is broken at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the cistern. Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.”
Now see what this secret is:
In case a Christian dies, then at the same time, in a fraction of a moment, the silver cord shall be struck by the Grim Reaper. And this is the rider on the pale horse and his name is: “Death.” In the Netherlands, this figure is called: “Grim Reaper”. The special thing is that only Christians can see this Grim Reaper when they die. Those who are not saved cannot see the Grim Reaper, because the silver cord in this case, for those who are not saved, will become so thin after 3 days, that it will disconnect automatically. The Grim Reaper does not need to use the sickle in this case.
See: Rabbi Rami Levy & 15 year old Nathan – (Youtube from 19:30 until 22:05)
The fourth rider on the pale horse can only increase the pressure, but he cannot kill, because that is not his function. His function is to delete the “Silver Cord”. If you see it this way, then the presence of the rider with the sickle is understandable.
(Rev 6:9) The opening of the fifth seal brings a terrible persecution amongst the faithful. Initially, the false prophet approaches the 666 with the Biochip. But many Christians know that the Laser- Burn Mark is the ultimate weapon, and do not shun the Biochip. In order still to be able to find out the identity of the Christians, the Antichrist will launch an ingenious method and process 666 in the Laser Mark as a Sign or Logo. Only by then the true Christians of God shall be visible! Without this 666 no one can buy anymore, nor sell or get a job. Whoever has chosen for this Mark, has chosen for death once and for all. A true believer will never do that, making himself visible. And just like with the Jews back then, it shall be the turn of the Christians and the massacre of the saints will then begin.

“Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.” (Rev 13:16-18)
(Rev 13:16) “And he causeth all, both small and great…” – Children from 1 until 11 years old will be safeguarded from this Sign/Logo (666). The Sign/Logo is only mandatory for everyone who has turned 12 years, for also the little one in fact has to decide for him- or herself.
Just before Jesus returns, the Christians shall no longer be open to the Gospel. They want no more, as formerly, to hear about sin and grace, law and Gospel, repentance and conversion. Instead of that a replacement will be created; a “happiness Gospel”. It goes after success, material goods, and things that God never promised us. The lukewarm attitude among Christians has already been widely recognized. The message of sin and grace, law and Gospel and repentance is not appreciated anymore by many. Churches are emptying. People desire a pleasant Gospel.
(2 Thess 2:6-8) “…the mystery of lawlessness is already at work…”
It will be of no use then to pray in need. For Jesus and the Holy Spirit shall not be there anymore. Prayers will not be answered. It shall also be pointless to fast. There will be only two forces possible, the force of insight and one’s own physical strength. This because of the second death. – (Dutch)
(Armageddon) Jesus great concern
(Joel 2:23b en 28) “Be glad then, ye children of Zion, and rejoice in the LORD your God: for he hath given you the former rain moderately, and he will cause to come down for you the rain, the former rain, and the latter rain in the first month. [28] And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions…”
(Rev 12:17) “And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.”
(Rev 13:7) “And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.”
(At the time of Armageddon) Jesus: “Those in power will treat the people like animals on that day and will have them slaughtered cold-blooded and unscrupulous if they do not submit to the will of those rulers without any contradiction. by all sorts of coercion, and they will persecute and suppress any free spirit by all means, and there will be misery among the people as there has never been on Earth, but then the days will be shortened because of the many chosen ones. To be among the poor, for if this did not happen, even the chosen ones would perish!”
See: How much time do we have left? – (Jesus: “Time is up!” )
and completed by prophecies according to (John 16:13)
(DZG// Wednesday Okt 07, 2016/ 23:08) – (Update Aug 27, 2019)