« Donald Trump – David of God »
Update: Not 10 but only ±5 months!
– The Last President –
(Sept 2024 until Feb 2025)
Armageddon begins from Feb 5, 2025
Update (Feb 19, 2024)
Second Coming Jesus Before April 20, 2025
– Rapture Zone –
(Twice a Rapture! – April 16 and 19, 2025)
Easter April 20, 2025
2022/2023/2024? – Wrong!
Rapture Expected in April 2025
(Times not yet Adjusted)
“Back in office after the Great Revival has begun”
« Trump 2024 Prophecy – Kim Clement »
God the Father about Donald Trump: “My David!”
(Nov 19, 2020) – YouTube (8:15) – Best from (0:00 – 0:45)
Joe Biden the wrong President
(Update) At the end of August or September 2024, it will be announced that Donald Trump has still won. In the month of September 2024 Donald Trump will be president of America again!
American Flag Eagle Background Picture
(Dec 2, 2020) – YouTube (5:57)
See from 2:48 – The Eagle cried and cried for help!
(Bald Eagle: Symbol of America)

(Oct 13, 2020) – YouTube (2:03)
Joe Biden RALLY BL0WN AWAY by Donald Trump 58,000 in PA.
(Nov 1, 2020) – YouTube (2:03)
Biden no audience no support
BIDEN & HARRIS visit battleground state AZ – (Oct 8, 2020)
Youtube (19:58) from (16:55) “My David.”
Kim Clement Prophesied:
God the Father: “In the fall I will show you who has chosen to stay in and pray for this nation for he is My man, for he is My David.”
This will be done before Christmas because it will be in the fall season.
Jesus: “I will not forget 9/11. I will not forget what took place that day…”
(Dec 19, 2019) – YouTube (6:30)
“Trump shall become a Trumpet.” says the Lord.
Two will have to step back! These two are: Joe Biden and Kamala Harris!
What a humiliation that will be. This will probably only happen on Oct./Nov 2021!
(Jan 12, 2021) Prophet Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj – YouTube (5:57)
Second term!
In Heaven it is written in the writings that Donald Trump is running for a second term. All Prophecies indicate a 2nd term for Donald Trump. Even if it is only for three months!
(From Oct/Nov 2021 to Februari 2022)
Image: Heavenly Scroll
(Nov 28, 2020) Prophet Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj – YouTube (5:02)
Then the Lord Jesus looked at Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj and He said: “I want you to go to America and warn them of the judgment that is coming upon them, (now please listen very carefully) if they choose the wrong President.”
Biden Lost, TRUMP wins a Second Term
Prophetic Vision and Word by Shruthika Priscilla
(Jan 5, 2021) – YouTube (3:06)
Shruthika Priscilla from India has shared her visions concerned with US elections watch this video as she shares a continued vision given by the Lord to her.
Vision (Jan 21, 2021) – YouTube (9:04)
Tug of War is a sport in which two teams try to pull as hard as possible on both ends of a strong and thick rope. This rope is marked with five ribbons and a red ribbon in the center indicating the starting position.
What God the Father is doing now is this: The Democrats are clearly on the winning side and Donald Trump will and should lose on all fronts, even though He is no longer President.
The tug of war has begun and the Lord is behind the Republicans, Trump’s party. Then the Lord suddenly lets go of the rope! As a result, the Democrats are backsliding in a way that they will not be able to do anything against Donald Trump and Trump has won.
God the Father thus achieves, for Donald Trump, the greatest victory ever for the Presidency.
See video!
Trump – The Lion of America
Approximately the correct result
Donald Trump wins
The Election Fraud
The Dominion software is probably already installed by default. However, another software Red October must be added to it. It almost has to be, because Joe Biden has hardly had any audience and hardly any support, w
hile Donald Trump on the other hand was cheered all over the country, wherever he went!
Related: Trump 58,000 in Pennsylvania, the State that Donald Trump has lost!
The Republicans are red. Hence the name Red. However, the name October could be the month that this software is installed in every Constituency, because the elections were to start on November 3, 2020. The software will remain active until the end. When all post-in ballots have also been counted, the result is fixed!
First possibility
Red October could be a Code of this software that can make the election results decide in the Democrats’ favor at any time. The software is also made for that. It is the software that initially indicates the correct number, but can automatically reduce and increase the numbers! If you are not aware of this then it is invisible. You can never lose again with this system.
See example: The computers are properly adjusted. However, it is the software that can influence the votes and thus recalculate.
(For example: 1.25% is going to Biden and 0.75% to Trump per vote)
See calculation: Out of every 5 votes for Trump, one goes to Biden and Trump only has 4 left. This fraud is invisible because of the amount of numbers. Depending on the number of votes, Trump can indeed win a State. But, America has 53 States! It is then not that difficult anymore because with this system you could indeed win, even if almost everything is against.
See another example:
(Jan 04, 2021) See video! – YouTube (8:54)
Copy addition Data Scientists NTD
Pennsylvania election data shows that over 423,000 votes were removed from President Donald Trump during the November election, data scientists say.
According to an analysis by the Data Integrity Group obtained exclusively by The Epoch Times, votes for Trump – from both election day and mail-in ballots – were removed from the totals in at least 15 states.
Time-series election data shows Trump’s votes decrementing in various counties at numerous time points instead of increasing as would be expected under normal circumstances.
The data scientists group said; that the clearing of votes took place on election day, during the voting table process in at least 15 counties… etc, etc.
Another 12,173 Switched to Biden
(Jan 2, 2021) Data Scientists – YouTube (22:20)
Election Fraud – Second Option:
This is another unknown software and is definitely different from the Red October. With this software, the excess of voices simply disappears into thin air.
See: YouTube from 10:20 untill 10:40.!
Georgia election data indicates that at least 30,000 votes were removed from President Donald Trump and another 12,173 votes were switched to Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, data scientists testified on Dec. 30 during a state Senate hearing.
At no point should you see a decline in an Election Review, but it happened nonetheless. With all these subtractions and additions; how could a fraud be even more obvious?
Prophecy – The elections will not be decided until Jan 18, 2021 (!)
(Nov 10, 2020) – YouTube (22:04) from (19:45 – 20:15)
Chuck Pierce prophesied the night before the election that these elections will not be decided until Jan 18, 2021, two days before the inauguration. Unfortunately, that won’t be until the end of October beginning November 2021!
Text: New American Standard Bible (NASB) and the King James Bible
and completed by prophecies according to (John 16:13)
Trump 2021 Prophecy – Kim Clement
(From Nov 2021 until Feb 2022) – Only 3 months President
(DZG// Monday Jan 11, 2021/ 11:53) – (Update: Nov 1, 2021)
Source: Photos, Images, Pictures and Drawings
Trump will be Back
(Photo) TRUMP Prophecy Update| He will be back soon| Shruthika Priscilla|Dr Ramesh K
Source: _https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_i27Dydmsps
Donald Trump Prophecy 2020 Election by the Prophets of God
God the Father about Donald Trump: “Mijn David!”
(Photo) YouTube (16:59)
Source: _https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4leCQR6FWQ&feature=emb_logo
Evangelica – Prophetic Service
(Photo) Source: _https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNtfNML6K0E
Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj | Evangelical Prophetic Service | 17th January 2021
Trump_The Lion of America
The story of Donald and the Giant: Kim Clement prophecy 2014
Source: _https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0tzf3qpKSIc
(Photo) Google overview: _https://i.ytimg.com/vi/0tzf3qpKSIc/maxresdefault.jpg
(Photo) 30,000 Votes Gone?
Source: (Jan 2, 2021) Data Scientists – YouTube (22:20)
Georgia Data Reveals 30,000+ Trump Votes Removed, Another 12,173 Switched to Biden
Source: _https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IKiyAy9vjrk&feature=emb_logo