(Nov 30, 2021)
(Nov 26, 2021) SADHU SUNDAR SELVARAJ – YouTube (14:21)
1000x worse
Given the spirit of the world, there can hardly be any more conversion, therefore a second judgment. The Sting virus could be emerging from China any moment now. The Coronavirus is the first judgment of God that has many variants, the one more dangerous than the other.
The Sting virus (1000x worse) will not start until a few days after the false Prophet has revealed himself. The second judgment will almost certainly not break out until early Dec 2021.
Prepare in advance.
(Nov 29, 2021)
The Great Revival ±60 to 53 days!
Jesus: “There will be a Great Revival of short duration.”
Prophecy of Allison Pound (Jan 2017) See details: Two Times a Rapture
Brothers and sisters, the false Prophet is now taking a very long time. But this is how it is. It is now only a matter of days before he will reveal himself, because the time is almost up! The false Prophet still has time left until Wednesday, Feb 2, 2022.
The Great Revival
Still 60 more days, is no more posible. Only ±53 days left. Once the false Prophet has revealed himself, it will take about 7 more days before the Great Revival will begin. From Nov 30, 2021 only ±53 days left to Wednesday Feb 2, 2022, the last day of the false Prophet.
(Chip 59) The false Prophet will not become older than 59 years.
(Nov 28, 2021)
– Prepare yourself –
The Sting virus
The moment the false Prophet will make himself known, the Sting virus breaks out after only 2 to 3 days. Do take that into account!
The Sting virus will rule the whole world for about 3 to 4 days and will cause death and destruction. The Lord wants to show the people that the false Prophet cannot stop this terrible judgment of God.
The earth worse now than then in Sodom and Gomorrah!
Jesus: “Because of the very serious sins, I have added 2 more judgments.”
The Lord gave this to me on Saturday March 7, 2020 at 00:48 p.m.
These two judgments of God will both come before the Great Revival! The 8th and 9th trumpet. Only the 9th trumpet is the 4th woe! Most deaths will occur in the first 2 to 3 days, because people do not yet know what kind of deadly virus they are dealing with. The world will think that the Corona vaccine caused this new virus but it did not, it is a totally different new and very deadly virus!
From Dec 2021 (3 to 4 days Sting virus)
1)_Pandemic (Corona) The 1st Great Wind – (±5.5 million deaths!)
2)_Pandemic (Sting virus) The 2nd Great Wind – (±350 to 500 million deaths!)
The Sting virus will wreak havoc and is a very different, new, 100% deadly virus, an unprecedented killer that humanity has never known before. As soon as the Great Revival begins, the Holy Spirit will step, like a Lion with His paws, on these 2 pandemics!
The Holy Spirit as the Lion of God
The Great Revival will not begin until 6 or 7 days after the false Prophet has revealed himself. At that moment the Holy Spirit, like a Lion, will stand on the Corona and Sting virus, and at that same moment the Great Revival begins!
The Great Revival (±53 days) from Dec 2021 to Feb 2, 2022.
The Sting virus will immediately stop and disappear with the Great Revival. Then, after the Holy Spirit is taken away on Feb 2, 2022, only the Coronavirus will come back.
On Wednesday, Nov 24, 2021 at 2:40 p.m, the Lord gave me the impression that only the Coronavirus will come back in full force the moment the Holy Spirit is taken away from the earth on Feb 2, 2022.
If the 100% deadly Sting virus would still exist, then within 3 weeks no one would live on earth anymore. So it goes without saying that the Sting virus will end the same moment the Great Revival begins.
Text: New American Standard Bible (NASB) and the King James Bible
and completed by prophecies according to (John 16:13)
End Time Info Rapture April 2022
(DZG// Monday – Nov 29, 2021/ 23:53) – (Update: Dec 2, 2021)
Source: Photos, Images, Pictures and Drawings
Image: Breaking News End Time Info
End Time Info Rapture April 2022
Download Free Breaking News Intro Template
Source: _https://slidemodel.com/free-powerpoint-templates/free-breaking-news-intro-template/
(Image) Sting virus: Green with Points
Source: _https://pngtree.com/freebackground/new-corona-virus-blue-abstract-background_1174164.html
A Worst Than Corona virus is Coming – (April 8, 2020)
Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj – Afbeelding – Youtube (29:14)
Source: _https://www.facebook.com/hfc.gabayngbuhay/videos/the-next-pandemic/304469467196518/
Photo Lion
Source: _http://xn--80aqafcrtq.cc/nl/?p=85947
(!!!) [666]
The nightmare only begins with the Burn mark 666.
The Horror of Death. The Burn-Code No.666!
Source: _https://www.moviemeter.nl/film/1119394